Interior design

Interior design

It's great when you see your work well framed and thought as an integral component for a home or hotel room design. Angie Gardeck, a great interior designer from New Perspective Design in Illinois has used six pictures for a wall of a stunning room. She's available for consulting and has full access to my portfolio as a partner for special projects. E' fantastico quando vedi il tuo lavoro incorniciato e pensato come una componente importante del design di una stanza di una casa o di un albergo. Angie Gardeck, un bravissimo architetto fondatrice di New Perspective Design in Illinois ha usato sei immagini per una parete di una stanza bellissima. Angie è disponibile per consulenze d'arredamento e ha accesso pieno al mio portfolio e alle gallerie come partner per progetti speciali.
Living Room by Angie Gardeck, New Perspective Design

Living Room by Angie Gardeck, New Perspective Design

You can see two out of six pictures of mine on the wall on the right

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