Bachelet best author award – Premio Bachelet
Well, this was not expected, but I sent some pictures to the Bachelet award and I won the best author award plus a special mention.
The story is quite funny: I was having some issues with my neck and engaged with a Physiotherapy studio for some sessions. While there, the therapist talked about this award and gave me some paper modules 3 days before the deadline. I said, why not? And took part to it.
So, I went to the mountain for a long weekend and got a call from Fabrizio Fratangeli, director of the award, which says: "Please write this day on your agenda as you will get a recognition as the best author for the Bachelet award. That picture with the little girl was voted as the best and others got recognized as well". I couldn't believe it was true and I went silent for a few seconds...
Here is the winner:
Another image was recognized at the Bachelet award and it was "Dear John":
Here are the other pictures that I sent. Tre Storie got a spot at the exhibition as well.

A child's dream (Sogni di bambina)
I staged this picture to take part to a photography challenge. Oh, how it was easier to take pictures of Giulia when she was younger. Now, it's much more difficult and I need to promise crazy things...
Dear John
This was a challenge on benches and I left my house to go exactly to that place (Piazza del Popolo) and to that bench. You get a Dear John when your girlfriend leaves you with a letter. I envisioned this situation, but good luck helped me with the couple establishing an incredible contrast with me laying on the bench with the letter in my hand.Recent Posts
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- Silvio Rugolo Fine Art Photography